HA !
Earlier this morning, Ming come to my house and Watch with me NBA ALL STAR MATCH with me. Nevertheless i overslept again and he had to wait for me for about 10 min before i get out of my bed. Good Match even if EAST own the match :)
Then we went on going to have lunch(chicken rice) which cause US 15.40 FOR BOTH OF US ! WTH AND THE MEAL SUCK ! The chicken texture is like my rubber :( Well less complainning. After having lunch, We go to the library and study. Saw my Brother playing the computer there when he didnt notice me even i stand on his back for like 5 min ? LOL . We didnt study much but well, we sure talk a lot !
After that Van and Pris called and wan to find me to have lunch when they say they not eating. Pris driving was the best ! She can be lost but found a shorter way to my HOUSE ! OMG ! I must say they two did a very good job !
We went on having ice-cream at COOL MASTER at holland V. After adding this and that, we spent $13 total eating ice-cream and hardly finish it. But the ice-cream was the BEST !
During the nite, called Malvin to ask whether he wan to meet me at school before my exam. THEN i found out that the exam is not on 5pm BUT on 9 am ! omg and now i still blogging but studying. Well should stop now and contiune my STUDYING OF BIS !
Earlier this morning, Ming come to my house and Watch with me NBA ALL STAR MATCH with me. Nevertheless i overslept again and he had to wait for me for about 10 min before i get out of my bed. Good Match even if EAST own the match :)
Then we went on going to have lunch(chicken rice) which cause US 15.40 FOR BOTH OF US ! WTH AND THE MEAL SUCK ! The chicken texture is like my rubber :( Well less complainning. After having lunch, We go to the library and study. Saw my Brother playing the computer there when he didnt notice me even i stand on his back for like 5 min ? LOL . We didnt study much but well, we sure talk a lot !
After that Van and Pris called and wan to find me to have lunch when they say they not eating. Pris driving was the best ! She can be lost but found a shorter way to my HOUSE ! OMG ! I must say they two did a very good job !
We went on having ice-cream at COOL MASTER at holland V. After adding this and that, we spent $13 total eating ice-cream and hardly finish it. But the ice-cream was the BEST !
During the nite, called Malvin to ask whether he wan to meet me at school before my exam. THEN i found out that the exam is not on 5pm BUT on 9 am ! omg and now i still blogging but studying. Well should stop now and contiune my STUDYING OF BIS !
hahahahaha! thanks ar! i think no one can beat me driving lo. (:
Anonymous, At
February 19, 2008 at 1:23 AM
sexxyyy. ICE CREAM and Mcdonald's happy meal! (: WAITING.
Venetia, At
February 19, 2008 at 8:21 AM
lol ... dun worry i remember to buy for u 10 ICE CREAM CONE LOL .... REMEMBER MY SWEET TOO ! :)
Every Little Thing, At
February 19, 2008 at 12:24 PM
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