Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well saw a blog when Ven ask me to take a look at it.
The Topic: Giver receives, and often receives MORE!!!
I reali touch by wad Ven’s teacher as to help his younger brother to do shopping for his overseas attachment and seal up everything and sent it to his friend’s place to be shipped to him.
So what did his teacher lost?
What I 'lost': time running around (finding and packing things)What I 'received' for giving: a personal sense of satisfaction (that I could help him when he needed it)
And here it goes: There is something about giving. Conventional wisdom states that the more you give, the less you have. I have found that its a paradox: "the more you give, the more you have." I believe this principle is true in every area of life.
So it’s important in life to be both a giver and receiver. But between giving and receiving, i hope more of you choose to be a GIVER!
But truly, this giver and receiver I told my friend before I saw her teacher blog. When you give more, your TRUE friend will remember and will let you receive more too. But am I giving enough? Or should I give less? HAHAHAHA


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